Vaccination Clinic - Oulu
January 16, 2016 -
Oulu Town Hall
Saturday January 16, 9:00 am – 11:00 am
If you have previously attended a vaccination clinic in Cornucopia, our staff will bring your pet’s vaccination records to the upcoming clinic, though we do recommend that you bring your own records as well.
Are you already a client at our clinic, but have not yet attended one of our vaccination clinics? Simply RSVP at +1 (715) 682-2470 and we’ll have your pet’s records available on site.
ADDRESS: 2525 West Colby Road Brule, WI 54820
DIRECTIONS: Take Highway A north out of Iron River. Turn left (west) onto Highway B. Where Highway B takes a 90° turn to the right, turn left onto Hollander Road, and then immediately right onto West Colby Road. The Oulu Town Hall is a blue & white building, about ½ mile down on your left (fire #2525).