Tag Archives: Low-Stress Vet Visits With Your Cat
Have Cat, Will Travel..?
Does the thought of bringing your cat to the vet give you nightmares? Do you avoid routine veterinary care for your cherished companion because you know you probably won’t see him again for several days (about the same amount of time it will take for the scratches on your arms & face to start healing)? If so, here are a few simple tips that can make regular visits more enjoyable for both you & Kitty:
1. Leave your open carrier in a cat-friendly spot at home, with a familiar blanket, toy, treats, etc. inside, to encourage your cat to go in & become more comfortable with the carrier.
2. Practice car trips with your cat that DON’T end at the vet. Make the trip fun, with treats, toys & lots of petting/praising.
3. Wipe or spray the inside of your carrier with Feliway®, a synthetic pheromone that has been shown to have a calming effect in cats (available at our clinic or online store).
4. Perform mock ‘exams’ on your cat, similar to what the vet will do. This makes your cat more comfortable with being handled.
5. Leave your cat inside its carrier while in the waiting room. The waiting room can be loud & scary, & most cats prefer to ‘hide’ somewhere.
6. Start young! If you have a new kitten, practice these tips from an early age to help avoid issues later on.
Don’t let a ‘scaredy cat’ keep you from maintaining a healthy cat!
(photo courtesy of: www.02varvara.wordpress.com)